Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Weekend!

So here I sit on my mother computers. Made some cookies, going to make dinner soon, but alas am a bit bored. I went into the garden and took some self ports, it had been far to long since I had done that and it was fun.
So here are some of my really early photographs, prehaps back in grade 10 I believe, mainly from the trip we had to NYC!
No photoshop or anything, just a canon point and shot I had, was a piece of crap, but it took photos!

This photo was from a bit later, when my parents and I were on a walk in Guelph.

This photo was taken even later with my D50, last christmas time I do believe.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging!

    P.S. That photo of the tree branches is wonderful!
